
2023年8月9日—Easycolorpicking.Clickthepickericoninthemenubarandmovethecursortoanycoloronyourscreen.Sipwillautomaticallyrecognizehex ...,Sipisamoderncolorpickerthatbringseasetocolororganization&teamcollaboration.Edityourcolorpalettesontheflyinourthoughtfullybalanced ...,CuteandfunctionalcolorpickerlivinginyourMacmenubar.Pickcolors,addtoyourlibraryandsync'emforjust20$.,AccesstheseSipcolorman...

Collect, organize and share your colors with Sip app.

2023年8月9日 — Easy color picking. Click the picker icon in the menu bar and move the cursor to any color on your screen. Sip will automatically recognize hex ...


Sip is a modern color picker that brings ease to color organization & team collaboration. Edit your color palettes on the fly in our thoughtfully balanced ...

Sip (@sip_app) X

Cute and functional color picker living in your Mac menu bar. Pick colors, add to your library and sync 'em for just 20$.


Access these Sip color management app features from Raycast: show color picker, open contrast checker, open settings, check contrast between two hex values, ...

Sip Alternatives for Windows

Sip is not available for Windows but there are plenty of alternatives ... Color Picker, Pixie, PowerToys - Color Picker and Free Color Picker. filter ...

Sip Color Picker

This Handy Tools and Apps for Designers element for your web inspiration was built with color, palette, color palette, code, color scheme, ui, layout, ...

Sip Color Picker for Mac. A better way to collect organize and ...

A modern color picker built for designers and developers, that allows you to collect, organize and edit colors.It gives you the ability to share colors with ...

Sip for Mac

Sip is a modern color picker that brings ease to color organization & team collaboration. Edit your color palettes on the fly in our thoughtfully balanced ...

Sip on Setapp

Find the perfect color with Sip, a fun Mac color picker that isolates, identifies and stores your dream palette.

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